Shown below is detailed information and a selection of screenshots taken from the Risk Assessments section from both versions of the Baby's Days system.
To view screenshots and information from other areas of the system, click on any link to the right.
Create an unlimited number of Risk Assessments with unlimited hazards within each.
Each Risk Assessment has a review date assigned to it, the system then alerts you when this review date has past.
Each hazard is automatically assigned with a Minimal, Low, Medium or High risk.
See at a glance the hazards within each Risk Assessment and the Risk Rating for each.
Low, Medium and High risk hazards are assigned with an Action By date in which the Risk Rating must be reduced.
Each action required is assigned to an Administrator on the system.
The Risk Assessments section is available for use by both Administrators and Parents on the Apple iPhone, Android Mobile & Amazon Fire apps as well as a web browser on a PC, laptop or tablet.
Administrators can add, edit, view and delete Risk Assessments, and parents can view Risk Assessments that have been assigned to them to view.
Shown below are a selection of screenshots and additional information relating to the Risk Assessments section on the system.
Risk Assessments Overview
The Overview page shows each Risk Assessment on the system, for each Risk Assessment the number of hazards for each Risk Rating are displayed, this gives you a quick and clear overview.
The review date for each Risk Assessment is shown along with the action by date and the person the action has been assigned to.
Creation and review date
When creating a new Risk Assessment it is assigned with a creation date and a review date, if the Risk Assessment has not been reviewed and a new review date assigned by this date, the system will alert you so that you can immediately review the Risk Assessment.
Help Guide
A step by step by guide is provided to enable you to clearly understand how to add hazards and create a Risk Assessment.
Adding the Hazards
A Risk Assessment is made up of multiple Hazards, you can add an unlimited number of hazards to each Risk Assessment, for each hazard you will enter the following:
What is the Hazard?
Here, we identify the hazard by walking around the inside and outside of your setting, each hazard is listed independently and for each hazard evaluate who might be harmed and how.
Who might be harmed and how?
For each hazard you have identified detail who may be harmed, for example: yourself, other employees, children or visitors etc and how this hazard could cause them harm
What is already in place?
For each hazard you have identified detail what you have in place to reduce the likelihood of harm or make any harm less serious
Action required to remove the Hazard
For each hazard decide what action is required to reduce the risk of injury, compare what you already have in place and if there is a difference list with what needs to be done
Likelihood of injury
For each hazard you select the Likelihood of Injury from a drop down list, you choose from: Very unlikely, unlikely, likely or very likely.
Severity of injury
For each hazard you select the Severity of Injury from a drop down list, you choose from: Minor injuries, slight injuries, serious injuries or major injuries.
Action required by when?
A Risk Rating is applied to each Hazard you have identified, this rating is achieved by multiplying: The Likelihood of an Injury by The Severity of the Injury, this will provide a risk rating from 1 through to 16.
If the Risk Rating is 3 or more you will need to add a date and select the person who will action the hazard to reduce the risk of injury in your setting.
Action required by who?
From a drop down list you select the name of the Administrator on the system who will action this hazard.
There are no limits on the number of hazards you enter for each Risk Assessment.
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